Meaning and origin of the name Bianca

Gender: Female
Also available in German, Italian,

Bianca is used in

Denmark Austria Switzerland Germany Canada United Kingdom Philippines United States Indonesia Italy Brazil Sweden

Countries where Bianca has name day

Bianca is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Bianca's name day is October 3.
Bianca is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Bianca's name day is December 1.


Originating from Italian and Latin, the name Bianca is a timeless and elegant choice for a baby girl. It means "white" or "fair" in Italian, reflecting purity and innocence. This name has a soft and gentle sound, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a classic and sophisticated name for their daughter. With its roots in languages known for their beauty and romance, Bianca carries a sense of grace and charm that can suit a variety of personalities. Whether it's used as a first name or a middle name, Bianca is sure to bring a touch of sophistication to any child's identity.
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